And everyone kept feeling a sense of awe . . . Acts 2:43 Awe (not to be in any way confused with aw as in “aw, shucks”) is the root of our now grossly overused and most often misapplied adjective: awesome. In the Greek, the awe of Acts 2:43 is the word phobos meaning fear, dread, […]
Applications from Acts: Devoted
“The greatest competitor of devotion to Jesus is service for Him. It is never, ‘Do, do’ with the Lord, but ‘Be, be’ and He will ‘do’ through you.” Oswald Chambers They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42 The early church devoted […]
Applications from Acts: Come Holy Spirit
It has become my practice each time the Lord gives me an opportunity to speak or teach in His name, to invite the Holy Spirit to translate. In other words, as the words leave my mouth, I want Him to take them and make them able to be heard by each individual heart. Sometimes, after I […]
Applications from Acts: Want to Be Used By God?
Kurt and I once had a dear friend who was an extremely gifted communicator of God’s Word. He loved to pour over the Scriptures, disecting every verse. He became a student of Hebrew and Greek. A regular listener to well-known pastors on the radio, this man formed opinions about differing theological positions and styles. God […]
Applications from Acts: Waiting
“One of the greatest strains in life is the strain of waiting on God.” Oswald Chambers Never, ever stand behind me in a check out lane. Even if the line appears to be by far the shortest of all the other lines, choose another. Even if you feel ridiculously foolish for standing three-deep when I’m next […]