Further Still – Questions
What is the Bible study Trading Panic for Peace about?
What is the Bible study God Seeker about?
What is the Bible study Praying for Your Prodigal about?
What is the Bible study Trading Panic for Peace about?
In a world of chaos, pain, and uncertainty, is inner peace even possible? Author and speaker Kristen Sauder says yes, and she uses biblical truths and practical life applications from the 23rd Psalm to deliver hope for anyone struggling with anxiety and panic. Whether you battle chronic worry or simply experience an occasional anxious moment, Trading Panic for Peace: A Study of the 23rd Psalm will help transform your patterns of anxiety into the practice of peace by refocusing your perspective from crisis to Christ, from circumstances to the Savior. As a wife of a pastor and mother of four, Sauder says – The Good Shepherd has used these six short verses to transform this worrier into a woman who knows peace!
What is the Bible study God Seeker about?
God says, “Seek Me.” Does that mean He’s hiding? It sure feels like it sometimes. Frantic weekly routines and pressing responsibilities keep us preoccupied, yet we can’t shake the nagging realization that day after day God seems awfully far away. God Seeker by Kristen Sauder aims to dispel the myth that intimacy with God is only for a few. This study through Exodus 33 encourages you to pursue God passionately, expecting a dynamic, uniquely personal relationship with Him. God Seeker not only offers hope for a brand new vibrancy and vitality in your relationship with God, it also trains you how to seek God, and how to sustain the intimacy your soul longs for.
What is the Bible study Praying for Your Prodigal about?
Prodigals…They are wayward mothers and wives, straying fathers and husbands, rebellious teenagers, hardened adult sons and daughters, siblings or parents who are far away from the living God. They are co-workers, neighbors, friends, and family members. Most importantly, they are souls for whom Christ died and children the Father loves.
Know a few prodigals, too, do you? Maybe your heart is crushed under the weight of a dearly loved prodigal. This book is for you. Praying for Your Prodigal leads you deep into the heart of Luke chapter 15. Every word and phrase in this familiar passage explodes with fresh insight, providing fuel for your intercession. Stories of real-life prodigals, some home and some not yet, encourage you to keep praying and to never give up. Watch your faith grow exponentially as you become equipped to pray expectantly for your prodigal. You’ll learn to pray like it matters, because it does!