This past Christmas, I gave a Joel Rosenberg novel to a friend. It was the first book in his first series of books, and as I expected, my friend is now hooked! He not only polished off that first novel in a hurry, but he’s rushed out to buy number two. I’m like that. I […]
Wise Men Still Seek Him
Are you still seeking Him? This past Christmas season, the American Atheists Group based in New Jersey spent $20,000 to boldly proclaim their message that Christmas is a myth. Their billboard near the Lincoln Tunnel connecting New Jersey to New York displayed a picture of three ancient kings traveling on camels bearing gifts. It read, “You know it’s a […]
God's Will – How Can I Know?
I ran across these steps from George Muller this morning in one of my favorite devotionals Springs in the Valley. Simple and straightforward, they serve as a faithful reminder to help us follow the will of our Master. I’m including a paraphrased, condensed version below. To Know and Obey the Will of God- 1) Get […]
Fall-ing Forward
November! How did that happen . . . again? Novembers are for worshipping God in the majesty of His multi-colored creation. They’re for lighting spiced-apple candles, planning Thanksgiving menus and anticipating hugs and conversations with friends and family, some of whom we don’t see year-round. You may be compiling Christmas lists and checking them twice, scouting out […]
God Seeker on 94.7 WFIA
Move over Beth Moore and make way for Kristen Sauder. Louisville’s very own Bible Study expert will be on board to share the excitement about her ministry, “Further Still.” We’ll be talking about her fabulous study, “God Seeker” and “Prodigal.” You’ll fall in love with her knowledge and passion for the Lord. Join me, Joyce […]
Give Him the Glory
When daily “Quiet Time” is about me, I will struggle and fail repeatedly. Finding the rhythm of walking in step with Him never fully materializes when I use God as an means to an end: getting what I want. When life becomes about God Himself, about knowing Him, seeking Him, hearing Him, seeing His glory and […]
Seeking God in Alaska
Kenai Christian Church holds their annual retreat at the SOLID ROCK Bible Camp in Soldotna, Alaska! How cool is that? This entire year I’m focused on getting to know God as my rock. “Be Thou to me a Rock of habitation to which I may continually come (Psalm 71:3).” The retreat center sits nestled among towering […]
Countdown to Kenai, Alaska
I am over-the-top excited to be traveling back to Alaska to speak at Kenai Christian Church’s Women’s Conference. It’s been 10 whole years since I was there last. One entire decade! Won’t it be fun to hear the God stories and learn about all the things He has been up to in the lives of […]